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骨 gu

Home Pinyin gu

髌骨 bìngǔ patella

耻骨 chǐgǔ pubic

刺骨 cìgǔ piercing

脆骨 cuìgǔ gristle

镫骨 dènggǔ stapes

腓骨 féigǔ fibula

股骨 gǔgǔ femur; femurs

骨干 gǔgān backbone

骨骼 gǔgé skeletal; skeleton

骨化 gǔhuà ossification

骨灰 gǔhuī ashes

骨架 gǔjià skeleton

骨科 gǔkē orthopaedic; orthopaedics

骨牌 gǔpái domino; dominoes

骨盆 gǔpén pelvic; pelvis; pelvises

骨气 gǔqì backbone; spineless

骨肉 gǔròu kindred

骨髓 gǔsuǐ marrow

骨头 gǔtóu bone; bones

骨折 gǔzhé fracture

骨质 gǔ zhí bone

骨子里 gǔzilǐ in the bone

脊骨 jǐgǔ chiropractic

筋骨 jīngǔ muscle bone

刻骨 kègǔ carved bone

刻骨铭心 kègǔmíngxīn unforgettable

肋骨 lèigǔ rib; ribs

龙骨 lónggǔ joist; keel; keels

颅骨 lúgǔ cranium

露骨 lùgǔ barefaced; undisguised

毛骨悚然 máogǔsǒngrán creepy

排骨 páigǔ pork ribs

去骨 qùgǔ boned; boneless

软骨 ruǎngǔ cartilage

锁骨 suǒgǔ clavicle; collarbone

剔骨 tīgǔ eviscerate

头骨 tóugǔ skull

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce